Self-Directed Experiential Learning

Where Real-World Experiences Become Powerful Learning Tools.

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Who We Are

Spark ALC is a self-directed 501c3 non-profit private school in West Bradenton. We are an Agile Learning Center that provides an environment where learners take the lead in directing their own education using powerful tools for self-organization and intentional culture creation. Our students deeply engage with the world through their passions and strengths, and the learning environment embraces choice and freedom along with collaboration between peers, facilitators and the local community.

“Since we can’t know what knowledge will be the most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much, and learn so well, that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned.” —John Holt

Education Model

Some things are central to what ALCs are about, while other elements are flexible and may vary between communities. We use a metaphor of a tree to illustrate this aspect of the ALC model more clearly.

The soil we grow from is trust: in children, in each other, in you.
The four assumptions—roots—which ground us are as follows:

  • Learning: Learning is natural. It’s happening all the time.
  • Self-Direction: People learn best by making their own decisions. Children are people.
  • Experience: People learn more from their culture and environment than from the content they are taught. The medium is the message.
  • Growth: Self-knowledge is catalyzed through cycles of intention, creation, reflection and sharing.

The Spark ALC Learning Environment


We believe that younger children are motivated to learn new skills through observing and interacting with their older peers. Older children experience newfound forms of leadership and the ability to nurture. This creates a healthy collaborative environment in which to learn.

Supportive and respectful community

Children are treated with the same respect as adults. We utilize Non-Violent Communication and strive to authentically connect with our community using compassion.

Caring adults who are helpers not judges

Children and adults mingle freely in the environment and learners can go to any child or adult for help without the fear that they will feel pressured or inadequate.

Customized help with individualized academic goals

We are an Agile Learning Community that activates explosive learning by harnessing powerful tools for self-organization and goal creation. All children will have access to one-on-one academic help to meet individualized academic goals.

Personal responsibility

We trust children to be in charge of their own education. In conventional schools, children are stripped of this responsibility. We do not want to diminish a child’s natural initiative, curiosity, or capability to learn.

Opportunities to use the tools of our culture

Children learn to use the tools of our culture to become capable adults. Learners are encouraged to use real tools in their play and work. You will see children safely and responsibly exploring and experimenting with tools such as computers, books, cooking utensils, woodworking, crafting tools, and sports equipment.

Goal setting

Younger children are developing the ability to set intentions through play, collaborating with others, and learning through correcting mistakes. Older children increasingly begin to plan out their day in more structured ways by using tools for time management, self-selecting intentions, and creating a plan to acquire the skills needed to achieve their learning goals.

Endless opportunities for play

Children have endless time to play, explore, and discover. We believe that children learn through play! This freedom allows for deep friendships to form and time for children to pursue their interests.

The Spark Spring Musical!

Copyright © 2017-2023 Spark ALC